Saturday, August 23, 2008

World Wide Photowalk - Lansing

Randy Jones (above) and I participated in Scott Kelby's Worldwide Photowalk on Saturday.  Groups from 10 to 50 were meeting in cities all over the world Saturday and were spending a couple of hours together walking around cities shooting pictures and sharing with each other.  Randy and I joined the group in Lansing.  There were about 21 of us, led by a photog from the capital city, Richard Vissers.  We met at the Brenke Fish Ladder at about 9am and walked north several blocks from there.
The walk took us up a tree lined street of businesses that were colorfully decorated and surrounded by flowers.  At our furthest northern point, we stopped at a Turner Dodge Park that contained the Turner-Dodge house. All this provided many opportunities for pictures.  Upon returning a few hours later, we all met at a local restaurant to share our experiences and refuel.  
You can see my pictures on my flickr site (LINK).  Everyone will eventually sharing their pictures on a flickr group site.  As of tonight, the site wasn't yet available.  
It was such a great experience, Randy and I talked about organizing 'photowalks' in and around Shepherd.  So, stayed tune for announcements of such a walk if you're interested in going out and taking pictures!

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